The Heart Connections Body, Mind, & Soul Expo presents speakers and exhibitors from Arkansas and surrounding states who work from their hearts to provide you with a variety of alternative, complimentary, psychic, and spiritual services.

If you have you been looking for information to expand your heart, increase your spiritual awareness, improve your health, or raise your vibration the Expo is the place to visit.  

The exhibitors will provide information and services on subjects such as organic products, chakra/aura clearing, crystals and stones, guardian angels, spirit guides, hypnosis, foot reflexology, chair massage, spiritual/psychic guidance, and much more!  There are door prizes every hour!

If you want to share your product or service at the expo, please contact me at or call me at 501-955-2063 or text 501-351-0962 to learn how.

Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Discover the
Power of Your Heart
at the
~ Heart Connections ~
Body, Mind, & Soul Expo

Saturday, To be Announced
11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, To Be Announced
11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Hilton Garden Inn
4100 Glover Lane
North Little Rock, AR 72116

Per Day:  Cash: $8  / Seniors (65+ ) $7 
Weekend:  Cash: $14  / Seniors $12

For more information:

Check out our Facebook page:
Heart Connections Body, Mind, & Soul Expos

For  more information, contact:

Sharlette Pumphrey
More to Life!
The Body Mind Soul Expo provides you the opportunity to go to one place and explore the new healing modalities that are available, sit in on lectures on interesting subjects, & talk to the experts in alternative healing.  
